
2014.09.25. Ispanija laukia jaunimo iš Lietuvos

Lietuvos jaunimo centras ieško jaunuolių nuo 18 iki 30 metų, kurie lapkričio 22 - 27 d. norėtų dalyvauti projekte Madrido priemiestyje. Projekto tema - Kultūriniai barjerai. Jei tu moki anglų kalbą, tau svarbi yra projekto tema - tuomet atsiųsk mums savo vardą ir pavardę, telefono numerį bei trumpą motyvacinį laišką adresu This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it iki spalio 16 d.

Projekte dalyvauti bus atrinkti 4 asmenys. 70 proc. kelionės išlaidų bus padengta dalyviams nuvykus į projekto vietą, maitinimas ir apgyvendinimas nemokami, projekto organizatoriams reikės sumokėti vienkartinį 30 eurų dalyvio mokestį.

Platesnė informacija apie projektą:

The ´End of the cultural barriers´ youth exchange takes place in Las Rozas de Madrid (Spain) from 22nd to 27th November, 2014. It is in the framework of ERASMUS + (action K1): Youth Exchange. The participants are from 8 European countries and aged from 18 to 30. There should be 3 participants and a group leader (a total of 4 people) from each country. The duration of the activity is 6 days.
To the youngsters from the different countries, the project will offer the opportunity of sharing community values and learn about other cultures, creating space for intercultural communication and put an end to cultural barriers.
The planned activities will help the participants to obtain new abilities and skills to break the stereotypes for other cultures and create an atmosphere of common understanding.

The participants from each country will have the opportunity to present a part of their culture and traditions during the intercultural evenings. There will be organized workshops for the participants that will create a sense of confidence among them, and will encourage them to be ´active citizens´ and take an active part in their community. Also, they will participate in creative workshops making graffiti, comics, crafts, paintings, etc. and everything that expresses their understanding, tolerance, and diversity. Eventually, looking for a united and common Europe.

We will have different workshops: graffiti workshop, video recording, news writing, poetry, Slam, handicraft, wood craft, etc., which will deal with the main priorities of the project; based on the principle of rotation, so that all the participants can take part in all of the activities, changing their groups each day. At the end, there will be one final presentation where all the accomplished activities will be exhibited in the ´Youth House´ in the City of Las Rozas. There, all the youngsters from the city can learn about other cultures. We will arrange tours and visit museums so that the participants can understand the culture and the history of the host country. All these are elements of the approach to non-formal learning from volunteering and active participation.



      Lietuvos jaunimo centras, Blindžių g. 17, LT-08111, Vilnius, Tel.: +37065911080,, kodas 302494682